How our low-bono consulting works

You’ve heard of pro-bono, which refers to services without a fee (for a good cause). Low-bono is an increasingly used term which refers to service with a reduced fee (also for a good cause). Some firms offer both pro-bono and low-bono services.

There are two reasons that we can’t offer pro-bono. We don’t have income from regular fees to subsidise free services. And more importantly, we’re not asking our consultants to work for free, nor should they.

What we are offering is an approach that helps social enterprises and helps new UX professionals. We provide social enterprises with affordable quality services. We provide emerging UX consultants with opportunities to practise their craft and gain more (and paid) experience working with clients.

It’s a win-win.

Quality is built into everything
we do

These aren’t student projects (which are pro bono) constrained by having to be aligned with particular educational goals and outputs. Instead, we focus on delivering what is most appropriate for the needs of the organisation.

Leapfrog Studio is headed by Susan J. Wolfe, who has led several design consultancies and is highly experienced UX mentor and educator. All client projects undergo quality assurance, and each consulting team receives expert oversight and mentoring to ensure clients get the most out of the engagement. Clients get exactly what they need.

Our standard low-bono package

From experience, we know that a lot can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time. Our standard package provides approximately 120 consulting hours over a 3—4-week period (carried out one or two consultants, plus mentoring & quality oversight).

This standard package costs $5,000 (approximately 50% of typical design studio rates).

If your requirements vary, of course we can discuss it.

Good for social enterprises. Good for consultants. Good for the world.

Let’s chat!

We’d love to learn more about you, your goals and your needs.

Let’s chat to explore how you can spring forward with Leapfrog Studio.